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Investor Information

Stéphane Bette - Director, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Stéphane Bette,
Co founder and Deputy CEO
Pierre Jérôme,
Co founder, CEO & Chairman

Dear Shareholders,

Take a look back at the capital increase with shareholders’ preferential subscription rights. View the management message

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Stock Information

Stock exchange information

  • ISIN code: FR0011464452
  • Stock Quote: ALSGD
  • Number of shares: 53.501.768 
  • Sector: Medical technologies
  • Principal Index: Alternext All-share
  • Exchange: Euronext-Growth
  • Place of listing: Euronext Paris (France)
  • Eligibility to French PEA/SRD: Yes/No
  • Eligibility French PEA-PME: Yes

Financial agenda

  • 10 January 2024: 2023 Full-Year Sales
  • 17 April 2024: 2023 Full-Year Results
  • 17 April 2024: 2024 First-Quarter Sales
  • 5 June 2024: Annual Shareholders Meeting (1st summoning)
  • 26 June 2024: Annual Shareholders Meeting (2nd summoning if required)
  • 15 July 2024: 2024 First-Half Sales
  • 11 September 2024: 2024 First-Half Results
  • 09 October 2024: 2024 Third-Quarter Sales


  • Biostrategic Research: Lionel Labourdette


  • Liquidity contract: Tradition Securities And Futures (TSAF)
  • Auditors: Grant Thornton
  • Listing Sponsor: Swiss Life Banque Privée

Shareholders structure

(June 7th, 2024)

Stock quotes

  • To check the stock quote in real time, click here

For any request, don't hesitate to contact us